These Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms and Conditions”) regulate the use of the Barefoot Luxury website (henceforth referred to as Barefoot Luxury).

The website can be accessed at the address barefootluxury.be

Use of this website implies and assumes the users (“Users”) are fully aware of these Terms and Conditions and unreservedly accept them.

Users expressly declare they are legally capacitated to fully and unreservedly accept these Terms and Conditions.

Users expressly recognise and accept that Barefoot Luxury may, at any time, freely and unreservedly make changes to these Terms and Conditions, whereby such changes are deemed to have come into force on the date they are published on this website.

If the Users do not agree or accept the Terms and Conditions, they should not continue using this website.


Unless expressly otherwise stated, all the content of this website, including but not limited to text, data, images, graphs, sound, audio, videos, designs, illustrations, trademarks, domains, names, logos, icons, images, photographs, software and all other information, functionalities and content it contains belong to Barefoot Luxury, and are protected under the general legal terms and by national and international copyright and intellectual property laws.

Barefoot Luxury is also the owner of the intellectual property pertaining to the content of this  website, as a collective and/or composite project, as well as the selection, coordination and composition of the content of this website.

Unless otherwise stated herein, Users are not granted any usage licence or any right over the information contained in this website. Non-compliance with the conditions established herein and the use of intellectual property objects shown or in any way made available on this website is a serious infringement of these Terms and Conditions and implies the immediate loss of the limited permission granted above.

This website may also contain intellectual property references and objects belonging to third parties. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions equates to granting a licence or permission in relation to any part of such information.

Images of people or locations that may be shown on this website belong to Barefoot Luxury or will be used after obtaining permission to do so. Users or any other person authorised by Users are forbidden from using these images unless they are specifically given permission to do so in these Terms and Conditions or through specific permission given in another part of this website. Any unauthorised use of the images may breach laws on intellectual property, trademarks, personality rights and advertising, and possibly other laws and regulations.

Therefore, it is expressly forbidden to use any of this website content, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or representation, whether total or partial, of such content without the express and written consent of Barefoot Luxury.


Barefoot Luxury intends to provide information about the services and products it sells, and other matters of interest for the users of this website. This information intends to be up to date and accurate. However, the information may not be completely up to date and may contain lapses and mistakes. Barefoot Luxury does not guarantee, in any way, that the information is completely applicable, correct and up to date, or give any other guarantee relative to the information provided, namely as regards the continuation, applicability and uninterrupted functioning of the services that it may provide through this website.

The information included in this website should be considered information of a general nature. Under no circumstances should it be interpreted or used as advice or recommendations.

Barefoot Luxury also reserves the right to make changes and corrections, suspend or close this website when it deems appropriate and without having to give any advance notice or undertake any other procedure or formality.

Access and use of this website are subject to interference, interruptions, disconnections or other problems as a consequence of faults, overloads or other eventualities out of the control of Barefoot Luxury. Users expressly recognise that no liability can be attributed to Barefoot Luxury in relation to damages, potential or real, that directly or indirectly may be suffered by the User owing to such events.

Barefoot Luxury does not guarantee that this website if free from mistakes, viruses or other harmful items.

This website may contain links to other servers over which Barefoot Luxury has no control. Therefore, it cannot be held responsible for information or services transmitted or made available, or the content these may contain, and cannot guarantee that such information is legal, truthful, up to date, or any other aspect of these links and/or servers.


Users are solely and exclusively responsible for how they use this website and the content it provides, and hence must comply with the applicable legislation, and all the Terms and Conditions herein, and must act in good faith and make use that does not offend any third-party rights, namely image rights, the right to a good reputation, the right to honour and the right to a privacy.

It is also expressly forbidden for Users to create or upload to the website any kind of virus or programs that can damage or contaminate it.

Users are the only people responsible for direct or indirect damages caused to themselves, Barefoot Luxury or any third parties deriving from how they use this website, and undertake to pay indemnity that is imputed to them upon any complaint or sentence their acts give rise to.

Barefoot Luxury reserves the right to prevent access and use of this website by any Users that breach these Terms and Conditions or any legal regulations concerning internet use.


The Barefoot Luxury website is managed and financed exclusively by Barefoot Luxury with no external funding. The advertisements (banners) and any other marketing material for the products and services presented, as well as the products or services of the entities with whom Barefoot Luxury are in partnership, are directed solely at Barefoot Luxury customers.


Users recognise and expressly accept that all issues not provided for in these Terms and Conditions shall be regulated by the Cabo Verde law in force and that in the event of litigation as regards the validity, efficacy, interpretation, integration, application or compliance with these Terms and Conditions, Mindelo District Court of Law is designated to settle the dispute with express waiver of any other.